Anisotropy of the late Universe

Anisotropy of the late Universe


  • Stanislav Konstantinov Department of Physical Electronics, Herzen State Pedagogical University, Saint Petersburg RSC”Energy”, Russia


background radiation; apex; anisotropy; fifth force; dark energy; dark matter; quantum vacuum; superfluid ³He-B; gravitation; antigravitation.


The standard cosmological model ΛCDM (Λ- Cold Dark Matter), on the basis of Einstein's general theory of relativity with its postulate that the Universe was “isotropic,” turned out to be erroneous. The article presents the latest research, indicating that the expansion rate of the Universe varies from region to region on a large spatial scale. Moreover, the anisotropy of non-stationary processes in the solar system relative to fixed microwave radiation is due to the action of three mutually orthogonal forces directed respectively to the center of the Galaxy, to the top of the sun and the axis of rotation of the sun. The first two movements of the Sun are caused by the forces of gravity and inertia, which form the orbit of the Sun when it rotates around the center of the galaxy. The third direction is associated with the rotation of the Sun around its own axis and the translational motion due to a new type of interaction — the fifth force.


2020-03-14 — Updated on 2020-03-14




Research Articles

How to Cite

Anisotropy of the late Universe. (2020). Journal of Advances in Social Science and Humanities, 6(3), 1148-1153.