Thermal LIFE in the Universe.

Thermal LIFE in the Universe.


  • Stanislav Ordin Ioffe Institute RAS, St. Petersburg, Russia




We try to capture the BEAUTIFUL moment. But it only emphasizes the LIFE of Nature in the
continuously flowing Time. And in real LIFE there are not only beautiful but also gloomy
moments, which are also engraved in our memory. Bunin, in his attempt to define Art, noted this
with the formula: "Only the Beautiful and the Terrible can be called Art." But not only in the
invented world of Art does ersatz-populism now supplant the EXCELLENT, but in real LIFE
earthlings, in the current period of destruction of the Collective Consciousness we are all in a
rather DARK ELEVATION. And in a DARK environment, even the art of finding BEAUTIFUL
moments has faded. They've been replaced by horror movies to make LIFE seem BETTER. Now
we are "like everyone else. But our country, which not so long ago many of us used to sing-feel
like "I don't know another country where people can breathe so freely", where "elite clubs" were
only needed for the growing gold mold, gave birth to the High Art. Because we didn't need any
THICK elite clubs to capture the moments. At that time, in order to meet with the elite, it was
enough to have meetings with "Meridian" at the apartment of "janitor" chemist Vitaly
Petranovsky or at the Tsoi's furnace room



2022-05-19 — Updated on 2022-06-13



Research Articles

How to Cite

Thermal LIFE in the Universe. (2022). Journal of Advances in Social Science and Humanities, 8(03), 65-68.